
Veteran Vitality with NAF

Written by: Kate Hore RNutr, R.Anim.Technol & Sian Wall BSc BVSc, MRCVSWith thanks to NAF Maintaining the best of health in our horses can be a particular challenge over winter,...

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How To Check If Your Body Protector Fits Correctly

If you haven’t worn your body protector for a little while, if it feels uncomfy or loose, or you think your child might have grown; you will need to check that your body protector still fits correctly before getting into the saddle. Whatever style or make your body protector is, these fitting principles remain the same: Chest and waist fittingMost models of...

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Body Protectors: Everything You Need To Know

What is a body protector? A body protector is designed to offer a rider protection in the event of a fall from their horse. Body protectors are designed to absorb high levels of energy experience when falling off a horse, being kicked by a horse, or being stood on. Body protectors are also sometimes known as back protectors, or body armour. Why...

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What Tack Should a Horse Wear to a Dressage Competition?

There are certain tack requirements for your horse when competing under British Dressage rules; many unaffiliated dressage competitions also follow these rules. Here we explain a brief overview of the...

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What is a Dressage Judge Looking For?

Ever wondered what a dressage judge is looking for and how a dressage test is marked? A dressage judge is looking for perfect harmony between the horse and rider. Dressage...

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